Thursday, February 12, 2015

Best Java Books Top 5 Best Java Programming Books

What are the best java books? This is the first question that comes in our mind when we start learning java programming. So in this article I have made a list of top 5 best java programming books on the basis of their popularity. These books are written for easy learning and are highly recommended for beginners.

List of Top 5 Best Java Books

Java: A Beginners Guide

Java: A Beginners Guide
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Table of Contents

Java Fundamentals
Introducing Data Types and Operators
Program Control Statements
Introducing Classes, Objects, and Methods
More Data Types and Operators
A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
Packages and Interfaces
Exception Handling
Using I/O
Multithreaded Programming
Enumerations, Autoboxing, Static Import, and Annotations
Applets, Events, and Miscellaneous Topics
Introducing Swing
Answers to Self Tests
Using Javas Documentation Comment

Head First Java

Head First Java
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Table Of Contents

Breaking the Surface: a quick dip
A Trip to Objectville: yes there will be Object
Know Your Variables: primitives and references
How Objects Behave: object state affects method &Junior
Extra-Strength Methods: flow control operations, and more
Using the Java Library: so you dont have to write it all yourself
Better Living in Objectville: planning for the future
Serious Polymorphism: exploiting abstract Classes and interfaces
Life and Death of an Object: constructors and memory management
Numbers Matter: math, formatting, wrappers; and statics
Risky Behavior: exception handing
A Very Graphic Story: intro to GUI, event handling, and inner classes
Work on Your Swing: layout managers to subcomponents
Saving Object: serialization and I/0
Make a Connection: networking sockets and multi-threading
Data Structures: collections and genetics
Release Your Code: packaging and deployment
Distributed Computing: RMI with a dash of serialize, EJE, and Jini
Appendix A: Fatal code kitchen
Appendix B: To 7th Mugs that &diet make it into the rest of the book

Effective Java

Effective Java
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Table of Contents

Creating and Destroying Objects
Methods Common to All Objects
Classes and Interfaces
Enums and Annotations
General Programming
Appendix: Items Corresponding to First Edition

Java - The Complete Reference

Java - The Complete Reference
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Table of Contents

Part I: The Java Language
The History and Evolution of Java
An Overview of Java
Data Types, Variables and Arrays
Control Statements
Introducing Classes
A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
Packages and Interfaces
Exception Handling
Multithreaded Programming
Enumerations, Auto-boxing and Annotations (Meta-data)
I / O, Applets and Other Topics
Lambda Expressions

Part II: The Java Library
String Handling
Exploring java.lang
Java.util Part 1 - The Collections Framework
Java.util Part 2 - More Utility Classes
Input / Output - Exploring
Exploring NIO
The Applet Class
Event Handling
Introducing the AWT - Working with Windows, Graphics and Text
Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers and Menus
The Co-currency Utilities
The Stream API
Regular Expressions and Other Packages

Part III: Introducing GUI Programming with Swing
Introducing Swing
Exploring Swing
Introducing Swing Menus

Part IV: Introducing GUI Programming with JavaFX
Introducing JavaFX GUI Programming
Exploring JavaFX Controls
Introducing JavaFX Menus

Part V: Applying Java
Java Beans
Introducing Servlets

Appendix: Using Java’s Documentation Comments

Programming With Java

Programming With Java
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 2: Java Evolution
Chapter 3: Overview of Java Language
Chapter 4: Constants, Variable and Data types
Chapter 5: Operators and Expressions
Chapter 6: Decision Making and Branching
Chapter 7: Decision Making and Looping
Chapter 8: Classes, Objects and Methods
Chapter 9: Arrays, Strings and Vectors
Chapter 10: Interfaces: Multiple Inheritance
Chapter 11: Packages: Putting Classes Together
Chapter 12: Multithreading Programming
Chapter 13: Managing Error and Exceptions
Chapter 14: Applet Programming
Chapter 15: Graphics Programming
Chapter 16: Managing Inputs/Output Files in Java
Chapter 17: Java Collections

Appendix A: Java Language Reference
Appendix B: Java Keywords
Appendix C: Difference between Java C/C++
Appendix D: Bit-level Programming
Appendix E: Java API Packages
Appendix F: Java Classes and their Packages
Appendix G: Assertion and Design by Contract
Appendix H: Java Version History
Appendix I: Deprecated Classes and Methods
Appendix J: Statistics of Java Packages
Appendix K: SCJP Exam Model Questions
Appendix L: Points to Remember
Appendix M: Common Coding Errors
Appendix N: Glossary of Java Terms
Appendix O: Projects


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